Asian cuisine, be it chinese, japanese, pakistani, thai or from other Eastern latitudes, they have a habit of being quite healthy, always filled with natural ingredients, from which the use of vegetables and ancient cooking techniques clearly stand out. That’s why today we’re presenting a series of Korean restaurants where the most traditional dishes of this Asian country are cooked.
The city has some of these places and in this list you’ll find the best Korean restaurants in Lisbon.
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Han Table Barbecue
Let’s start by explaining that, in many of these restaurants, customers grill their food themselves, whether it’s meat or vegetables.
The Han Table Barbecue is one of these cases, where everyone grills their own meat, fish and vegetables to their liking, from various cuts of beef and pork, leeks, lotus flower, eggplant, tofu, as well as shrimp and octopus.
Address: Rua Gomes Freire 11B | Rua da Pimenta 5 (Parque das Nações) | Rua António Pereira Carrilho 11 (Arroios)
At K-Bob, the dishes arrive at the table already cooked, with no need to get your hands dirty.
Here, the specialties are steamed egg with chives, onion beef with mushrooms and carrots and chicken stew with spicy sauce. Hummm, delicious!
Address: Avenida Ressano Garcia 41 A (São Sebastião)
K-Bab, in the Oriental Market
Located in the Mercado Oriental, one of Lisbon’s leading Asian food spots, K-Bab was one of the first Korean restaurants to open in the city center.
Here you can try the traditional bibimbap (rice mixed with meat and vegetables, with chili paste and “horse egg”); Korean soups, fried chicken and even ra-bokki, a dish with noodles, cabbage, fish dumplings, boiled egg, onion and leek. All these dishes are delicious!
Address: Rua da Palma 41 (Martim Moniz)