During these days, the city’s air is filled with animation, music, colors and, above all, the smell of grilled sardines! It’s the Santos Populares festivities in Lisbon.
The grumpy neighbor rejoices at the folk songs, the dancing, the drinking and the hugging. Butdespite all this joy, I’m sure you’ve hada hard time deciding what to do or where to go during Santos Populares in Lisbon, right?
This year is going to be different because we’re going to help you find the best route to incredible party nights around the city.
Lisbon Festivities
The festivities of Saint Anthony or, if you like, the Popular Saints of Lisbon last the entire month of June, from the 1st to the 30th. That’s why we’ve created a short guide with everything you need to know to have a great time, not only in Lisbon’s main neighborhoods but also in more alternative places.
To begin with, EGEAC and the Lisbon City Council have prepared a extensive and entertaining program for the Lisbon Festivities, which includes live concerts, popular marches and, of course, some of the most incredible popular festivals.
Festivals in Lisbon
There’s no doubt that the arraiais are the main attraction of the Santos Populares in Lisbon. É nestas autênticas e singulares festas de bairro que se concentram todos os bailaricos e comes e bebes, onde a sardinha assada é rainha.
That’s why this year we’ve put together two types of guides so that you can choose the type of festival that best suits your needs .
There are St. Anthony’s festivals that are known for always being packed with people (there’s a taste for everything); others that are quieter; and even those that are more alternative.
We don’t want you to miss anything in this intense month of festivities in the city. So from now on we can only wish you one thing: have the best time possible in these Lisbon festivities!