From north to south, Portugal is full of monuments and landscapes that attract not only local visitors, but also many foreign tourists. In this context, we want to introduce you to some of the ‘hidden treasures’ in Portugal, such as the “strangest house in the world”.
Although it’s not close to Lisbon, we believe it’s a place worth knowing about, if only through these mere words. Situated in the north of Portugal, this unusual building was born to be a family refuge, but as fate would have it, it became an attraction.
Surrounded by the bucolic environment of the Serra de Fafe, Casa do Penedo has already been mentioned in various media, including international ones, due to the peculiarity of its architecture, as well as its (almost) perfect fit with the surrounding landscape. Shall we discover the “strangest house in the world”?
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Brief context
Inaugurated in the 1970s as a vacation home for a family from Guimarães, Casa do Penedo is perfectly nestled into the mountain. From an architectural point of view, it also stands out for its lack of right angles, triangles or circles.
However, the (almost) eccentric architecture is not the only peculiarity related to the “strangest house in the world”. For example, because it is a family home, even though it is available for tourist visits, it is not possible to photograph or film the interior.
What’s more, if you want to spend a morning or afternoon in this place away from the hustle and bustle of the city, then be prepared for total disconnection. What does this mean? Well, there ‘s no electricity there, nor any kind of technology.
How did you become the “strangest house”?
First of all, it’s worth mentioning that this epithet was not attributed by Secret Lisbon, nor is it an absolute truth or a record in the Guinness Book of Records. However, you can be sure of one thing: the idea didn’t come from our newsroom.
Featured on several international websites, according to the Idealistawebsite, the stardom came in particular thanks to a Tokyo TV program , which highlighted the unique architecture of this small but welcoming house in Fafe.
According to the same source, the building was also featured on the Strange Buildings In The Worldwebsite in 2014. Since then, the news, reports and, of course, public interest have multiplied. As a result, the family decided to promote a series of leisure and tourism experiences.
Leisure and tourism offer
If you check out the officialwebsite of the “strangest house in the world”, you’ll find different experiences available, such as:
Lunch at Casa do Penedo (for around 165€);
Pool on the Mountain: a premium seasonal experience for €250, with a breathtaking view of the mountains;
Guided tour experience for €7, among many others.
How to get there from Lisbon?
Fafe isn’t exactly next door. So try to take advantage of the opportunity to get away for a long weekend, for example by making stops in cities in Minho such as Braga and Guimarães. In all, the journey takes about 4 hours, so we recommend, of course, that this is just one stop on a road trip.
One of the best ways to get to the “strangest house in the world” about 388 km from Lisbon is by car. Take the A1 towards Porto, then the A3 to Braga. Once in the area of the ‘capital of Minho’, take the N101 to Fafe.
After that, travel along the N311 towards Cabeceiras de Basto and after a few local roads you’ll come to Casa do Penedo, the last stretch of which includes a dirt track. Although it’s not an easy and/or close route, here’s a tip for those who like to explore Portugal from north to south!
Address: Rua Rally de Portugal nº 1610, 4800-000 Fafe
More information and bookings: official website