One of the many advantages of living in Lisbon is that there is no shortage of gastronomic options to suit all tastes. From seafood to Korean food, not forgetting, of course, burger fans. With the latter in mind, we’d like to show you the latest news from Hamburgueria do Bairro.
To celebrate its 12th anniversary, all of Hamburgueria do Bairro’s stores will now include new items on their menu, ranging from new trends to an improved vegan offer. At the same time, the menu features an additional drink and dessert, to ensure an even more complete ‘renovation’.
Hamburgueria do Bairro and its new flavors
In a press release sent to Lisboa Secreta, the restaurant brand explains each of its new flavors in detail. Shall we take a look at these new flavors?
To begin with, Hamburgueria do Bairro hasn’t been indifferent to the smash burger craze, so it has added a Double Smash Burger on brioche bread, with cheddar cheese, pickles, onion, ketchup and mustard to its menu.
Fans of the famous Piu-Piu have not been forgotten, so now there’s a crunchy option. To complement the vegan offer, the Vegeta recipe has been improved and the Mediterranean Salad has been created, a comfort dish that combines hot and cold.
However, the news doesn’t stop there. After all, following the success of its limited edition in December, the HB Clássico has been given a permanent place on the menu.
Finally, it’s worth mentioning another of the Bairro’s new tenants: the 50/50 drink, which combines redcurrant and lemonade and, to end the meal, a delicious lime tart.