Women’s Day is one of the most important days in our calendar, as there is still a long way to go in the fight for equal rights and equality.
Rather than explaining what March 8th means for all women, or highlighting some plans for what to do on this day, we wanted to know what our readers would most like to receive on this special date.
These were the eight answers that, by now, everyone should know on the tip of their tongue.
- It’s not a day to receive presents! It’s a day to mark and pay tribute to the great women who have lost their lives in the cause of equal rights. And to remember all those who still don’t get the respect, dignity and equal opportunities they deserve!” by Isabel Faria
- I’d like partners to do their share of the housework, for harassment to be effectively eradicated and for there to be more women in leadership positions, by Sandra Pereira Gonçalves.
- I would like Women’s Day to stop being celebrated, because that would mean that women had already achieved equal rights and dignity. However, we still have a long fight ahead of us, so let’s at least have one day to be aware of this. by Marisa Carreira
- No to job discrimination, equal opportunities and equal pay, by Susana Dias
- Respect! Freedom to go where you want without fear! by Madalena Cepeda
- An end to domestic violence, by Isabel Correia
- A good pay rise. by Vânia Moreira
- Love and understanding. by luisa.antonia.5059
As you can see, our readers’ wishes are all about the same thing: justice and equality for both genders. Is that too much to ask?